Funny Videos to Make You Laugh When Sad

Tears of Joy: the best funny videos for your day of sad

Everybody has days where they need a little bit of cheering up. This is a handy list of YouTube videos that Lily thinks will put a smile on your face.

They say that laugher is the best medicine, and that is a message that I can fully get behind. It's Lily here and I hope that this collection of videos, carefully curated by yours truly, will help lift any dark clouds of sadness that are hanging over you.

If you're a gaming geek: 'Monster Factory, Fall Out 4

The McElroy brothers are a trio from Huntington, West Virginia. They host a number of very enjoyable podcasts (My Brother, My Brother and Me, The Adventure Zone, Sawbones and many others) but I want to spotlight an ongoing video series created by Griffin and Justin McElroy. Monster Factory has a simple premise: create a monster using video games character creator systems. From this simple idea comes a series of videos that produces hysterical laugher. The sort of laughter that makes your chest ache and your eyes stream.

For me, the best monster that they create is 'The Final Pam', who was made in Fallout 4. Pam embarks on the main quest of the game (to find her son Shaun), but along the way she gets married to an irradiated cockroach, adopts a can of instant coffee as her child and ultimately breaks the entire game. I wholeheartedly recommend that everybody sits down and enjoys a few episodes of Monster Factory, even if you don't know that much about video games.

If you're an animal lover: 'The OFFICIAL Mr Bubz Video'

I worship at the church of Mr. Bubz, a Chihuahua/demon hybrid who was rescued in March of 2018 by Lizzie, who lives in Los Angeles. However, unlike the pampered poochies one usually associates with LA, Mr. Bubz is a whole other kettle of grumpy fish. This is quite a short video, but it has endless re-watchability. His Instagram (@misterbubz), run by the 'Motherwife' and 'Garbageman', (His owner and her boyfriend.)  is also an absolute gem, if you're looking for some distraction from pesky emotions.

If you're a film fanatic: 'Jurassic Park Theme Song (Melodica Cover)'

Jurassic Park combines a few of my favourite things: dinosaurs, being scared of dinosaurs, and sexy, sexy Jeff Goldblum. Jurassic Park also has one of the most iconic themes ever. Go on, hum it to yourself. Ah, warm 90s nostalgia. Now watch this video. I am incapable of watching it without laughing, and if it doesn't make you laugh, I'll take all complaints in writing.

If you're a YouTuber fan: 'Just Trying to Blend in with my Green Screen'

Jenna Marbles has been uploading videos since 2010. To begin with, her videos were mostly comedic, including 'What your fingernails say about you' or 'How to trick people into thinking you're good-looking' – but more recently they've evolved into something that Jenna Marbles often refers to as 'Me Time'. I've picked a personal favourite of mine, 'Just trying to Blend in with my Green Screen.' In which she… just tries to blend in with her green screen.

A few other fantastic videos produced by Jenna include 'Giving Myself a Beard' and 'How Many Balloons Will It Take To Make my Dog Fly.' The titles of Jenna Marble's videos often sound like clickbait, but they pretty much do what they say on the tin.

This video isn't going to make you hysterically giggle, but it might make you forcefully exhale air through your nose.

If you're someone who loves… angry people, idk: 'My cousin Oskaar'

My Cousin Oskaar is a video that was first uploaded to YouTube in 2009, which makes it 10 years old. It features a very angry man from Finland, the eponymous Cousin Oskaar, shouting down the camera at his cousin from Australia, after he let him know about arguments over daylight saving. There have been some claims that this video is fake, but I don't care. Cousin Oskaar brings me joy, Marie Kondo, so I'm not going to throw him away.

If you're a music lover: "Shia LaBeouf" Live – Rob Cantor

This is a viral song that was originally released in 2012, yet in 2014 it got even better when the creator, Rob Cantor released a music video featuring… The Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles, the West Los Angeles Children's Choir, the Argus Quartet, eight dancers, two aerialists, two martial artists and Shia LaBeouf himself. It has very high production value for a viral song originally posted to Soundcloud after a joke between two friends.

If you're a make-up queen: 'Contouring 101'

This video comes to us from Jahkara J Smith, a YouTuber from America. In this video, she talks you through a contouring tutorial, in a tone reminiscent of Katherine Hepburn. The best quote from the video…'if men find out we can shape shift, they're going to tell the CHURCH.'

I'm a big make-up fan, and this video perfectly highlights the ridiculousness relationship between men and people who choose to wear make-up.

If you're a silly person: 'The Try Guys Prank Each Other'

The Try Guys are stalwarts of YouTube. They're a group of former Buzzfeed employees and they split into their own company in 2018. They're a group of four friends from Los Angeles who… well. Try things. I love them because they are VERY goofy. Although they're four grown men, two of whom are married, they still find the time to just be very, very silly and I think everybody can appreciate that. Sometimes, you just need a silly day.

The video I have picked is from their Buzzfeed days, in which they were challenged to prank each other. It showcases their unique personalities, and how delightful they appear to be (delightful and yet also annoying.)  The winning prank, from my perspective, is when Eugene releases some flamingos into a bathroom to an unsuspecting Keith.

If you're, well, anyone: Vine compilations

Sad? Watch a Vine compilation.
Happy? Chuck on a Vine compilation.
Tired? Oh, go on, click on a Vine compilation.
Hungry? Pop on a Vine compilation while your Pot Noodle steeps.
Bored? Oooooooooooooo go on… Vine me up.

I hope you've enjoyed these videos, but don't forgot that if you're having a really tough time, it's okay to reach out for help.

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