Funny Stories on How Couples Got Together


There's something about love that makes people all warm and mushy on the inside. Whether it's marrying your high school sweetheart or finding your soulmate sitting next to you on a flight to Japan, reading about love stories just makes most people happy. And if you're one of those people who loves love, we have something pretty amazing in store for you today.

We've searched the internet and found some of the cutest and most hilarious stories about how people met their significant others. Some are beautiful and romantic, while others will leave you in disbelief. If you'd like to see some of the best and worst "how they met" stories, then keep reading.

35. Breaking Bed


I was in the cafe adjoining the bar where I just celebrated my 23rd birthday when the lady brought my bowl of chili. I propositioned her as I passed out face down in the bowl.

The next night, I showed up to apologize for my previous bad behavior and we got to talking. I walked her home and we broke her bed. We got married three months and two days later. That was over 41 years ago.

34. Friends With Health Benefits


A friend of ours was married and found out he had cancer. His wife left him because of his condition, I guess. A friend of his with really good insurance suggested they get married just for the benefits, medical, of course.

After a while, it just clicked that they actually loved each other very much and they stayed married even after he went into remission. They are one of the coolest couples we know.

33. The God of Thunder and Sledgehammers


My car broke down and I needed a mechanic. It turned out it was an electrical problem so the mechanic referred me to another mechanic that specialized in electrical problems since apparently, they can get pretty complicated in cars. This Thor-like man came out of the garage holding a sled hammer asking what was wrong with my car. At 6'6″ he was almost intimidating. No, he was intimidating.He fixed my car and as I was writing the check, he asked me out to lunch that weekend.

Since he still had the sledgehammer in his hand, so I was a bit scared to say no. I went and he turned out to be the funniest guy! We moved in together three months later and got married a year after. In November it will be ten years. He still looks like Thor, just no more sledgehammers (he became a nurse).

32. Liquid Courage


I walked up to a girl at the campus cafeteria half drunk as a joke. I expected her to tell me to back off, as would have been appropriate so that my buddy could laugh at my hilarious public rejection. I am pretty shy, so this was entirely liquid indifference based. I won't even call it courage. I just said, "screw it, this will be funny, and if it isn't it will be awkward, which works too."

We ended up having a short, bizarre chat, and then by coincidence, we had a dumb gen-ed together. Ice having been broken, I just talked to her like a regular not shitfaced person after that. Years later she said my "confidence" was what appealed to her. Jokes on you honey, I hate myself! But yeah, we've been married almost a decade now. We have a child and a house and everything.

31. From In-Law to Life Partner

He was my oldest sister's husband; I was around 15 when they met. Fast forward five years they get a divorce. Keep in mind I didn't really have a relationship with him while he was married to my sister. I only knew his name and the fact that he was my in-law; that's about it. We never talked beside the usual hello and goodbye during the holidays. Two years after the divorce we bump into each other at Rite Aid and that night, he adds me on Facebook and we chat. It was very casual: "how is your family doing" type of conversation. We eventually stop talking.

One night, a friend invites me out and he happens to be at the same bar. We hit it off. We've been dating for three years and are moving in together in a month. We are honestly made for one another. My family accepts it as my sister has moved on and is now happily married to someone else and has two children. It's a crazy story. But I wouldn't change him.

30. Destined To Be Together


I had just broken up with my boyfriend and accepted an invitation to go out and forget my troubles with some friends at karaoke night. I put on my favorite suit, cream pinstripe, and a white felt hat with a feather. I felt awesome. We played some pool and sang a couple of songs, and then it happened. One of the guys who worked there got up and performed (he's wearing a mask). He had a spotlight and backup dancers, and he sang the craziest cool version of "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast.

Six years later, I'm dating a bartender from my regular bar. We're hanging out and laughing and telling stories. I told him about the coolest karaoke singer I ever saw. He asks if it was at "Old Bar" and I say yes. He asks if I was wearing a cream pinstripe suit that night, I say yes. It was him. After all those years I still remembered him, and he remembered me. Even though we never spoke that night, he noticed me and remembered. We were shocked. We got married two years later. We also both have copies of some of the same books, weird obscure stuff, and regularly finish each other's thoughts.

29. That Was Smooth, Girl!


A girl was helping her friend (also female) talk to some guy on Tinder. They matched and set up a date with the fellow. When it was time for the date,the girl who was supposed to be meeting him backed out.

The girl that was helping originally thought he was too cute to let go, so she went herself and sat at a table near the guy and pretended that she was also being stood up and they got to talking. "The rest is history."

28. That Was Cheesy


I was sitting in a bed in my best friend's dorm, pants unbuttoned and just starting on my plan to eat an entire bag of cheese balls, crying over a boy. He and his friend burst into her room. He plops down on the bed by me and starts in on the cheese balls.

His job was wing man: his friend wanted my friend, so he was there to distract me. All I was really thinking at the time was "Get your damn hand out of my depression cheese balls!" and "Heck, my pants are undone." That was 29 years ago, last Sunday.

27. Rollercoaster Of Love


Six Flags had put a call out for volunteers to be the first to ride some new rollercoaster of theirs and be in promotional photos. And these two people had both put their names in and get picked. They were both by themselves and they ended up seated next to each other.

When the promotional pics went up on Facebook, they found each other in the comments, started chatting, went out on a date, and the rest is history. I'm so lucky to be the guy who got picked; I met my wife because of that ride.

26. Missed Train Stop


I love the story of how my parents got together. They met on the train, arguing over where the train was going. My mom was wrong; it was an express train, so her stop was missed, and she got off at the next stop to walk back.

My dad yelled to his mates "Oi, I got a Sheila for the night." It doesn't get more Australian than that right? So, he gets off the train with her. He walked her home and she assumed she wouldn't see him again. He showed up at 7 am with breakfast. They have been together ever since.

25. That Was Fate


I'm pretty introverted and happened to be out with friends for the first time. I was having a really rough year and stopped drinking, so I took time off from the bars too. That evening, I popped into a bar on my way home from work, looking like an absolute scrub. Some of my friends were chatting at a table, and I didn't recognize the beautiful girl sitting with them. I entered the group, but nobody introduced me.

Then I did something I had never done… during a pause in the conversation, I reached my hand out over the table and introduced myself to her. We talked and laughed that whole night, then she came out again the next night at my invitation. The kicker? That first night she was actually out at the invitation of another man! That man got drunk and pretty much ignored her. We've been together for nearly 13 years now and married for almost four.

24. Random Text


When I was 15, I received a text from a random number simply saying "hey, what's up?" I usually would just ignore messages from people I didn't know, but I was bored and figured, why not?

We started chatting and found out we had heaps in common, including that we both liked reading and video games and we were the same age. So we decided to go see a movie together. My mother insisted he come pick me up with his mother cause y'know, meeting strangers and all that. Now it's ten years later and we are expecting our first child in 26 days.

23. Fun Fact!


My best friend was dating my now wife's sister and they invited me over to hang out. I didn't know she had a sister. I was standing up leaning against the counter looking into the living room where my friend and his girlfriend were. Then she walked down the stairs, no makeup and in pajamas and god damn she was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen.

So in my attempt to say something funny and cool, my social awkwardness kicked in and I blurted out, "Fun fact! Cleopatra invented sadness in 2007." Everyone just looked at me for a second and then she burst out laughing and from then on we've been inseparable, so far it's been the best 3+ years of my life.

22. The Dumb Soldier


My uncle joined the military as a marine, as did my father during Vietnam. My mom was writing to my uncle (her brother) and in the letter asked if there were any "dumb soldiers" who wanted to write.

Convenient enough, my father was roommates with my uncle and happened to be a "dumb soldier." My mother and father began writing letters back in forth for over a year before ever meeting. Once they met, they married a month later. I'm their 8th child.

21. The Bus Ride


I walked to a bus stop and saw a cute girl sitting there, but was a little shy, so I didn't say anything as I sat next to her. She kept playing with her phone, but I was trying not to pay attention. The bus came, I got off on my stop and didn't see her until about a month or so later when my (at the time) girlfriend introduced me to her.

Later she took my girlfriend aside and told her the time that she was "trying to take pictures with her phone of the cute guy sitting next to her" to send to her, it was me.We both started dating when me and my girlfriend broke up. We're happily married now.

20. Paint Stain Partner


I met my husband in my freshman year in my high school theater club. He was talking with me as I was sweeping the theater stage. We were only friends at the time, but people were joking about us being together since we were the only natives in the whole school.One time, we were mixing paint while building the set, and he spilled a whole bucket of paint because apparently I distracted him, and he set the power tool to high.

From that day, people called him "paint stain" as a nickname. In my sophomore year, I walked in the classroom to him holding a wooden sign saying, "will you be my other paint stain?" in paint and with a bag of gummy bears (my favorite). We've been together for five years and going.

19. Long Distance Works


This story began in 1995. One of my best friends in high school set me and one of her guy friends up. I was 15 and he was 18 and in college. Our parents were OK with this, probably because it was almost entirely a long distance relationship. He paid for an internet connection (dial-up) and we would chat through a terminal window.

He would wake up at 7 am just to hop on the computer to chat with me for a few minutes before I went to school. I sent him care packages and we both wrote each other love letters and sent cards. When I was 17, I decided to go to the same college that he was attending. We moved in together after my freshman year and he proposed to me in our apartment kitchen when I was a senior. We've been married for 13 years now. We've grown up together and I couldn't imagine sharing my life with anyone else.

18. Boredom and Love Strike


One afternoon, I got bored and put an ad up on Yahoo Personals (this was 2001). Some guy got bored and responded to it. We got to talking and it turned out that even though we lived in different towns and went to different high schools we knew some of the same people. In fact, his sister and my friend Patrick dated for a while.

What makes this sort of adorable is, at one point Patrick wanted to set me up with him. "You'd LOVE Kerri's brother. He's so much like you, it's crazy." And I turned down that offer because, at the time, I did not like blind dates. Kerri's brother, aka the guy I met on Yahoo, and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in April.

17. Worth Waiting For


My best friend is Filipino and I love the story of how her parents got together. Her parents were next door neighbors as children and were best friends growing up in the Philippines. When they got older, her father decided to move to the US for a better life and eventually joined the Navy. He would write multi-page letters to her mother every week, and she would write back.

This continued for about three years until he came back to the Philippines and asked her to marry him. She immediately said yes. Almost 30 years later they are still the most adorable couple and still have the box of all the letters they sent to each other.

16. The Ladder of Love


This is what happened to my great-grandparents. She was the daughter of the richest man in the county; he worked a job loading animal feed onto wagons. They met and fell in love, and shortly after, he asked her father for his daughter's hand in marriage. But the father refused.

Unfortunately, this poor, uneducated kid was not good enough for his daughter! So instead, great-granddad enlisted his friends to distract her father while he put a ladder under her window. They eloped and lived together happily for over 50 years.

15. "Screw it! YOLO!"


This is the story of how my parents met. They were both in the military, and they were stationed at the same base. Both of them were out at a civilian pool with their respective groups of friends and they both had nothing on them identifying that they were in the military. They started flirting and agreed to go on a date.

Come date night, they're both leaving the post at about the same time, and they happen to see each other. It was then that they both realized that not only were they stationed at the same base, but that my dad was about five ranks higher than my mom, and they technically shouldn't have been going out on a date. Of course, being in their early 20s and not the best at making good decisions, they said, "Screw it! YOLO!" and went on their date anyway.

14. Challenge Accepted


I was at PE and our teacher made us run around half of the school. So while I'm running, I started getting very tired and stopped. The guy I had a crush on for the longest time told me if I continued to run and didn't stop until we made it, I could kiss him.

So I did my all best to run and finished to the end. Later on, I kissed him on his cheek and he was blushing. Two class periods later, he kisses me on the forehead and then we started dating on that day. I love him to this day.

13. Laughing and Falling (In Love)


The first interaction I ever had with my girlfriend was back in high school. I was doing this stupid thing where I would stare at something directly behind a person's head so it would look like I was staring at them but I really wasn't. It was probably really annoying. But anyway, I did it to her one day and she looked at me and said "Are you staring at me? That's rude!" and started walking angrily toward me.

As she did, I took a couple of steps back, tripped over a chair, and landed on my butt, taking the chair down with me. She laughed hard at that time, and I realized I would want to see her laugh every day. We're together for three years now, and still counting.

12. The Ice Cream Debate


I was literal moments away from deleting the Tinder app when a stranger guy messaged me. It was something like "I've been trying to come up with a good ice breaker. I got nothing. Do you have any suggestions?" So I said "You should ask people how they eat their ice cream. It's universally known that anyone who bites ice cream is a freaking monster."

He then said, "I chew the heck out of my ice cream." Thus began our debate on the correct way to eat ice cream. I just kinda knew from there that he was gonna be an important person in my life. Now we've been together for four years, married two!

11. Thanks to the Lost ID


My girlfriend and I worked at the same place for a while. We were both salespeople and we would see each other almost every day, but we would never talk. We never even said our names to each other, just the occasional "hi." Then I moved to another area of the store and she moved as well, only a week later.

Since it was a small team in the new area, we started talking. I introduced myself; she did the same. We joked about working together for a long time and never actually talking. One of my friends suggested the three of us get a beer and then said he forgot his ID, so h e left and it was just her and me. We had a great time, so I asked her out on a date. She said yes. We've been together for almost two years now. I'm going to marry this girl and I couldn't be happier.

10. Tweet Come True


I had a Twitter account and had a good amount of followers. I wasn't a popular kid by any means, but I knew people. One day, out of nowhere, I get a tweet directed to me. It says "I had an awkward dream with @(my username)." I direct message her and ask her what the dream was.

After about two hours of convincing, she tells me. She says we were at an amusement park holding hands and kissing. We talked for about a week and then I ask her to be my girlfriend. That was on Valentine's Day 2011. Fast forward to today, we're happily married. I love this woman so much. It all started with a random tweet.

9. Pizza Love


I met my husband working at a pizza shop when I was 16. He was 20 and I remember thinking he was the type of guy I would want to end up with. I ended up quitting and continued to see him driving all over while he was delivering pizzas. We started hanging out three years later because of a mutual friend.

I never believed in this type of garbage, but the first time I kissed him I knew he was "the one." We did things backward: had a son, had a fake wedding and were " married" by one of our friends in front of all of our loved ones. We followed it up the next day by getting legitimately married in the pizza shop where we met.

8. Travel Buddies


Sitting on a train traveling back home from London, I was behind a large group of people who were on their way home from their friend's wedding. One of them asked how the friend met their spouse, and apparently, their friend had been on a flight from London to Australia to go traveling for a few months – she didn't have a full itinerary planned, but roughly knew what she was doing. She was traveling alone, but her seatmate struck up a conversation. They had a great time and found out they'd even studied the same subject at university.

They parted ways when they landed in Hong Kong. When they boarded the next flight in Hong Kong, however, they found they were again seated next to each other.Upon landing in Australia, the guy was supposed to go on to New Zealand, but they both decided to ditch their plans, and travel together. They've been together ever since.

7."Ho. Hello!"


One day, my grandmother was sleeping at her best friend's house. The best friend had a brother, who was doing his military service and was supposed to come back two weeks later, so both of the girls decided my grandmother would sleep in her brother's bed.

It turns out he was already at home, in his bed, and when she went into that bed, she woke him up; he said something like "Ho. Hello!"A few months later, they got married, and one year after my mother was born.

6. You Just Need a Little Courage


I met my wife back in 1997 when I had just turned 12 years old. A neighboring kid moved close by a year before and all he could talk about was this girl from his old school he was in love with. It was pure coincidence that she moved to my street. So the first time I ever talked to her,I confessed my friend's undying feelings for her to which she replied: "Eww, gross!" Because she instantly became the pretty popular girl at my school, so I never stood a chance.

That was the last time we talked for 15 years until 2012 when I mustered up the courage to ask her on a date. We got married last year and last night at 7:46 pm on Halloween, she gave birth to our first child. Even right now it's so surreal to me.

5. Worth The Risk


A young woman had lived in small-town in Wisconsin all her life. This was long before the age of the internet, so there was no such thing as a dating website. Now, my great uncle had just been discharged from the military; he'd moved to Colorado, and he was looking for someone to settle down with. I don't exactly remember how it happened, but he found the young woman over a phone call, and as they called each other more and more, they began a long-distance relationship.

Eventually, they decided to make it official. That's when, without ever having met my uncle, and having never left small-town Wisconsin, she packed her bags and moved to Denver to live out the rest of her life with him. Now they're one of the happiest married couples I know. My great aunt is a cool lady!

4. A Drunk Start


I was drunk and walking home from a county fair with some weird medium-sized stuffed gorilla. I stopped some girl walking by and told her I won this for the most beautiful girl I saw. I handed it to her and drunkenly stated my phone number for her. She was caught off guard and my roommates told me how big of a jerk I was.

Two days later she called. We started dating a week later. I still don't know if that was smooth or obnoxious. Probably both. It still makes me smile today. It was one of the nicer starts to any relationship I ever had.

3. Going Home With Other Man


My parents met at a bar at 4 am when they were 18 and 19. My dad was bored and decided to go get a beer, and my mother had just been to a costume party at her high school. She wasn't dressed as anything though because she doesn't like doing that. She was there with two girls dressed as nuns though.

She was there to meet up with her much older boyfriend but ended up going home with my dad. They just celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary, and have been a couple for 32 years. Romantic, I know.

2. Humor Gets The Girl


I met a guy on Bumble, which is a Tinder type app. His first picture was him in a field. I swipe to next picture, it was the same picture but with a badly Photoshopped giant fish in his hand and the Taj Mahal behind. Next pic, same, but now there's a Ferrari and he's petting a tiger…

Anyone who spends time on dating apps knows these are all the standard tropes for things people put in their pictures. I remember swiping right on the grounds that at least I got this guy's sense of humor, and the rest is history!

1. Now That's True Love


I had a friend who was diagnosed with anorexia and was deteriorating in health pretty quickly. He had been bullied for years,so he ended up starving himself to the point where he had to be hospitalized to have tubes shoved down his throat and into his stomach. His family didn't support his lifestyle or sexual preference, so they abused him at home, while he was bullied in school.

Throughout everything, he had one person and it was his boyfriend who stayed with him in the hospital as much as he could, until the day my friend had finally passed.As sad as that is, they've told me countless little stories about their relationship and hearing it all was romantic. His parents couldn't bear to even glance at their dying kid, yet his boyfriend couldn't see one flaw even when he was in that state. He found him as handsome as he did when they first met.


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